Thursday 21 March 2013


So World Games Cup 2013 has come and gone, and everyone has since returned home, some to get ready to attend their next fgc event. Personally I had a great time, both at the tournament (although I wasn’t pleased with my performance past top 8,) and in the impressive city of Cannes.
The event itself was pretty well-run, with very little overrunning and nothing getting cancelled, but maybe because of the sheer amount of tournaments being run, it might have been a little bit frustrating for the audience.  For instance, even though there were two stream setups, only top 8 of the Marvel singles tournament was streamed, and even then some of the Loser’s bracket footage was lost. So the audience missed a ton of great matches, such as UK player Shuffle vs. MCZ.Tokido (which became a 3-0 victory for Shuffle, ending on a perfect.)
WGC2013 ran three events for UMVC3: the 3v3, 5v5 and the solo tournament, which were all spread out across Friday-Sunday, ending with the solo top 8 tournament on Sunday.
I entered the 3v3 with Chrome Alchemist and Kobra, and we managed to fight all the way to the grand finals before being taken out by Team TOD (Alioune, Bubblan and Takari.) Even though best-of-1 Marvel is… interesting, I think we played pretty well up until that point. Unfortunately, Bubblan ended up getting an OCV against us with his Zero/Vergil/Trish team. I feel like in every one of our matches, we ended up expending too much to eliminate the ‘problem characters,’ only to lose out to anchor Trish, due to the combination of the threat of time-out and X-factor. Also, I dropped the momentum-setting special-cancel near the start of my match, which let Zero get the first touch. I was pretty angry at the time, but I suppose second wasn’t too bad in hindsight.
The 5v5 World Team Cup only had 4 teams, so we reached Grand Finals after winning just one match to face team France. The team orders looked a little something like this (I must admit that I had to look these up online because of my shoddy memory, thanks to WorstGiefEver for the speedy archive uploads!)
Team France:
Gon (Doom/Dormammu/Strange)
Moonwalker (Spencer/Hawkeye/Strange)
Ichi (Spencer/Doom/Frank)
WhiteBlack (Vergil/Taskmaster/Wesker)
Alioune (Magneto/Morrigon/Phoenix)

Team UK:
Shuffle (Hulk/Sentinel/Wesker)
Klutch (Dante/Deadpool/Taskmaster)
Howtoread (Viewtiful Joe/Strider/X-23)
Chrome Alchemist (Trish/Morrigan/Doom)
Kyzertron (Zero/MODOK/Sentinel)

Shuffle won our first three games before losing to WhiteBlack, who then defeated Klutch in a close game. I decided to play him next, since I was always of the opinion that Viewtiful Joe can easily deal with point Vergil teams. But, I was air-thrown at 99 seconds, which essentially ended the match for me. Since the 5v5 event wasn’t team-locked, WhiteBlack switched to Magneto/Dante/Wesker against ChromeAlchemist, probably because his Vergil team doesn’t have much that can deal with dedicated zoning teams. WhiteBlack won the round and picked the same team against Kyzertron, presumably to stand more of a chance vs. MODOK.  Despite the counter-pick, Kyzer managed to win the game (largely due to MODOK, funnily enough,) but then lost to Alioune at tournament point for both teams. View the team Matches Below

Netherlands vs UK - UMVC3 World Team Cup

France vs UK - UMVC3 World Team Cup Grand Final

There’s usually a lot of complaining about the seeding in most tournaments, and the usual issues cropped up in WGC Marvel. For the 3v3 team tournament Team HD and Team XBLSuperBestFriends were bracketed just one match away from each other, despite being the only two official English teams in the tournament.  The singles bracket was better by comparison, so let’s look at the results from the UMVC3 singles tournament:
1.VXG.EMP. Dieminion (Viewtiful Joe/Doctor Strange/Morrigan)
2. CDV.WhiteBl4ck (Vergil/Taskmaster/Wesker)
3. Moonwalker (Spencer/Doctor Strange/Hawkeye)
4. Chrome Alchemist (Trish/Morrigan/Doctor Doom)
5.  HowToRead (Viewtiful Joe/Strider Hiryu/X-23)
5. BubblanAB7 (Zero/Vergil/Trish)
7. BCNeSports. Alioune (Magneto/Morrigan/Phoenix)
7. Shuffle (Hulk, Sentinel, Wesker)

In all honesty, the solo tournament early on was pretty messy for a lot of the London players. Unfamiliarity with the monitors was the main problem, but I consider any issues to be my fault for not turning up to the tournament early to grind out casuals.
During the solo tournament I had to fight Alioune early on in the bracket, which in my opinion has always been a very weird match for me,  but I managed to take it 3-0, and a few sets later moved into top 8 winners side. I’m not happy with the rest of my performance at the tournament, mostly because I played too stupid when on stream, but also because I am severely lacking in matchup experience vs. Vergil and Spencer. This was reinforced when I played Spencer player Ichi in a Money Match after the tournament.  My set in losers bracket vs WhiteBlack taught me a lot in comparison to when I played him in teams. I mostly realised that I should be way more wary of Vergil’s anti-airs and screen coverage, but also (especially when I started stupidly rushing down solo Wesker with Solo Joe) I need to stop getting stressed when on the main stage. So in total, I achieved 2nd in both team tournaments and 6th in the solo tournament. Not horrible results, but not ideal after a couple of flights across Europe.

Apart from the tournament, I had a great time in Cannes. the spot is a great holiday destination, (which would probably explain why all the food was so expensive,) and the buses were cheap, seemingly regardless of how far/whereabouts you were travelling. Helpful, because almost every FGC member was staying in hotels about 45 minutes away from the venue by foot. I know this, because we made that journey on the first night. Speaking of hotels, hanging out with everyone for casuals after the tournament turned out to be a real blast, shout outs to the Irish, French and Netherlands players, as well as Dieminion from the States.
All things considered,  I’m 100% going to WGC next year, and hopefully by then I will be way less likely to be defeated by stress.

Article by: HowtoRead

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